What’s in your doonas and curtains? Dust mites!

What are dust mites?
Dust mites are mostly found in the home and common allergy and asthma triggers in the home. While these microscopic creatures resemble small bugs, dust mites don’t actually leave bites on your body or skin, they do however can cause skin rashes and irritations.
Dust mites can be difficult to uncover or find as they are very small in size (microscopic) and are estimated to be only 1/4 to 1/3 millimeters long. You can only see them under a microscope, and even then, they only look like small white spider-like creatures. Dust mites can live over a month but up to 90 days for females.
What do dust mites feed off?
One of the reasons dust mites are so widespread in homes is that they tend to live off of dead skin cells from humans and even pets. Although you wont notice it, an average person generally sheds around 1.5 grams of dead skin cells, which is enough to feed around one million dust mites.
Where do dust mites live?
Dust mites love to make their homes in places where dead skin cells are most abundant and the most common place they accumulate is none other than in peoples beds, blankets, doonas and pillows. They are also often found in carpet, furniture, and rugs.
How do you get rid of dust mites?
It is recommended that where possible, you treat and clean your space by whatever means possible which can include vacuuming, wet mopping, steaming, dusting, and washing. Contrary to popular belief, specialised products or chemicals are not required.
Simply the use of hot water and a good wash can properly trap dust mites. It is recommended that the hot water in your washing machine should reach at least minimum of 54°C to kill the dust mites and eliminate the allergen.
If you are concerned about dust mites and are having troubles getting rid of them in your bedding or curtins, please come and see us.
Keep them dust mites out!